
This is a simple blog dedicated to the Ergorapido.

The Ergorapido is the world’s most sold battery stick vacuum. Over 10 million units sold.

First launched in 2004, it’s still going strong, albeit in a new upgraded version. Currently on its the third generation since launch, but appearantly still plauges by the same quality issues. Get insurance.

This site will share news, history, reviews and other stuff about the Ergorapido.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. My vacuum does not work used combined, but works when I use it as the handheld mini vac.
    What can cause this? The charging indicator light works, indicating the vacuum is bring charged.


    1. I think it is just bad design and&or manufacturing. The metal clips in the handheld and the metal parts in the stick do not connect well enough. Either you try to bend them to get better connect / or you return it to where you bought it to get a new one. It should ot be like that.


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